Student kitchen area opens in Gray Design Building
The University of Kentucky College of Design is excited to announce the opening of a designated student kitchen area in the Gray Design Building, providing students with a space to store and prepare food while on campus.
Made possible by the College of Design Student Council, the area includes a refrigerator for student use, with a freezer and microwave arriving soon. This initiative aims to enhance student life by offering students kitchen appliances for daily use and is conveniently located near the front entrance of the Gray Design Building.
To keep the space organized and accessible to all, students are encouraged to label their food with their name, date placed in the fridge, and any additional details, such as a phone number or planned removal date. Food should be cleared out by the end of each Friday unless noted otherwise.
Stewardship is key to maintaining this shared space, and everyone is encouraged to contribute to keeping the fridge clean. The College’s Student Council Senators have generously volunteered to assist with regular maintenance, but all users should pitch in to ensure a tidy and welcoming environment.
Additional appliances may be purchased to further enhance the kitchen area in the future, and student input is encouraged. For more information or to share suggestions, email Liz Swanson, the College’s associate dean for student affairs, at