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About the Accelerated Master's Pathway

The School of Interiors Accelerated Master’s Pathway gives highly motivated students the opportunity to earn both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in five years instead of six. Qualified students can begin earning graduate credit during their undergraduate programs, allowing them to maximize their time on campus and the return on their educational investment – earning up to 12 dual credit hours at no additional cost.


  • Students do not begin by applying to graduate school; instead, they apply to have an AMP Exploratory Major added to record, allowing them to take up to 12 credits at grad level for eventual grad credit, counting for undergrad and at undergrad tuition.
  • Students should apply to the Graduate School during their senior year. Admission is dependent upon performance in courses.
  • Students will work with Undergraduate Advisors and the Director of Graduate Studies to complete a program study plan and enroll in appropriate courses.

Program Study Form


  • For any eligible undergrad who has a 3.0 GPA, has earned at least 60 credits, and who has identified a pathway they would like to pursue.
  • Students may come from any of the following UK degree programs:
    - Architecture  
    - Art Studio
    - Digital Media and Design
    - Interiors       
    - Landscape Architecture
    - Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles
    - Product Design 

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Accelerated Curriculum

Semester One

Year Four: Fall Semester (Undergraduate)

ID 655 Creative and Theoretical Design Processes 3 hours

Total: 3 credit hours
*in addition to undergraduate requirements

Semester Two

Year Four: Spring Semester (Undergraduate)

ID 659 Vertical Studio 5 hours
ID 650 Survey of Current Literature and Methodologies 3 hours

Total: 8 hours
*in addition to undergraduate requirements

Semester Three

Year One: Fall Semester (Graduate)

ID 700 Research Applications in Interiors 3 hours
Interiors Elective 3 hours
College/University Elective 3 hours

Total: 9 hours

Semester Four

Year One: Spring Semester (Graduate)

ID 700 Research Applications in Interiors 3 hours
Interiors Elective 3 hours
College/University Elective 3 hours

Total: 9 hours

Total Graduate Credit Hours: 29